Creating Peace

At this time of year, when we remember those who have fallen, and celebrate independence on Yom Ha’atzmaut, we need to take a closer look at where we stand.

We Jews have accomplished so much so far. After 2,000 years of being tossed and turned, into and out of so many different countries, we’ve at last come back to where we belong in Israel.

And yet, we still haven’t found a way to create real peace.

So what, if anything, can we do about it? What can we say is still missing? Our only solution is to re-trace our journey—not in physical steps, but in the inner teachings that were given to us so long ago by Moses.

What did he teach us that appears to be missing from us now? What originally brought us so closely together then that is not with us today?

Something that was so moving then, 3,300 years ago, and isn’t so apparent today, is the awareness that we are all intricately connected through the higher wisdom of God. Yes, we can easily say that we believe in this higher wisdom, but are we really living and breathing this higher wisdom at every moment?

This is what we are really missing. It’s something that can only be fulfilled when we are ready to come back together as one man and one woman with one heart. It means discovering how to listen more carefully to the teachings that are coming to us from within our own heart. This takes commitment. It takes focus. It takes a determined effort. It takes wanting to change the world for the better right now.

Think about it. Let me know if you’re ready to make this work for you as it worked for the Jews 3,300 years ago.

Our effort now has to be to listen to the inner wisdom of God so very carefully, until we finally realize that God is actually listening to us! The beautiful part of this is that this connection is already with us at every moment! We just have to realize it.

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