The challenge to our consciousness

We are all forms of consciousness. Even though we are clearly separate physical beings, there’s more to who we are than just our physicality. Our consciousness is, in fact, part of the consciousness of the universe. So, when we are ready to accept this fact, we can begin to experience the harmony of the universe, and learn to live within its flow. Once we start living in this way, we’ll find that everyone and everything we are in relationship with will start to blend into our own inner harmony, and we can find it possible for all of us to relate to each other in ways that will resolve any complicated situations that arise.

This means that we all have the capacity to create more peace and more joy in our hearts and in the world. All it takes is our commitment to come to terms with this amazing fact, so that we can experience our beautiful planet and magnificent human race in a more delightful way.

So the challenge for all of us is to believe in the possibility that this is true. No story can make it so, no teaching can confirm it for us–the only way we can even begin to suspect it might be true is to explore this possibility for ourselves. Every one of us has the potential to develop this awareness and come into the realization that it is true.

One fact we can all agree on is that we are all physical forms of life who contain consciousness. Now, without any scientific proof that there is consciousness within the entire universe, we need to explore our own consciousness for ourselves, and over time, come to our own conclusions.

This information will become more believable once we start to practice silent meditation. The proof of this possibility exists within every one of us.

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