Announcing a new ebook edition of ‘The Way The World Works: A Journey Toward Inner Peace’

A lot has happened since I first published The Way The World Works sixteen years ago. Many more people have now come to realize that there’s more to life than we can see with our eyes—there’s also an unseen, inner support system that can increase our awareness and enhance our experiences as we go through life. While the pull of earthly gravity keeps us close to the ground, there’s also a spiritual gravity that is pulling us toward the Infinite. We don’t see either one, but they’re both clearly present all the time.

This book is about the latter, the one that is rarely discussed out loud. Many people have said that it has helped to strengthen them through any challenges they’ve been facing, and others have simply said it’s reassured them that they’re not just imagining some of the new realizations that have come their way.

Some will hotly deny that such a revolutionary inner experience could possibly be true, but those who have ridden the wave of this enlightening inner process know full well that we are all on a trajectory toward a greater wisdom, enriched by a greater love.

When I first published this book, I had already experienced five years of a life-changing meditation practice. This enlightening process opened my eyes to the rich complexity of the way the world works. In addition, I had studied many teachings from ancient sages, both religious and others, as well as those of psychology, sociology, and spirituality, which confirmed and expanded my understanding of it all. When people asked me to share the insights I had gained, I incorporated many of my realizations into the original content of this book. Now, after experiencing more than twenty years in this process, I’ve re-edited this ebook edition to add more clarity to the original text.

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