Happy Chanukah! Let’s spread more light in the world!

Happy Chanukah! Let’s discover how to spread more light in the world! Let’s look at what holds us back from doing this. Are we ready to open up our minds to the deeper questions about light and love?

What causes us to avoid thinking too deeply about our existence? What stands in the way of having an enlightening connection with the universal consciousness? Why do people resist spending time in contemplation and meditation? Well, the physical demands of our existence usually take precedence over any other concerns we might have. People often think that physical survival is separate from our deeper understanding of our souls. But there’s another way to view this that can give us relief in our physical challenges.

When we begin to understand that our physical existence is only here through the design of the universe, which created the planet and therefore created us, we can find a way to experience life from a different perspective. When we realize that we are each part of the creative universe, which is the one that brought us into life, we can study and learn more about the activities of the universe until we become more aware of how much influence it has over us.

While we think we are separate from the universe, we are vulnerable to any random activity that might happen to us. However, once we recognize our intimate connection with the universe, because of the fact that we live within it, we can come into a closer relationship with all that the universe does, and so come into harmony with its activities. In this way, we can learn how to ‘ride the wave’ of life, and live within the flow of the universal energy.

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