The Inner Relationship

In this week’s parsha, Va’eira, Moses begins to hear God’s voice and learns that God wants him to speak to Pharaoh. He’s beginning to be trained and guided in what he needs to do to save the Children of Israel from slavery.

We’re all experiencing training as we go through life, even if it feels, sometimes, like we’re getting nowhere. Ultimately, we need to become partners in the creative process of life. This means that we have to first learn how to live in a way that every act we make, every conversation we have, is one of love, creating balance and harmony on the planet. This can help us to experience the loving presence of the higher consciousness of God, so that we can begin to express this love in the world with our words and our deeds. Then we can begin to experience the joy that comes with giving love.

This is what will bring us into relationship, and eventually partnership with God. We can become partners in the creative process, which is an intention to keep the world in harmony, improving it whenever and wherever possible. When we’re ready to release our feelings of separateness, and diminish the need to be right all the time, we can find that there’s an overall loving guidance that can arise from within our own essence. The universe is really constantly designing every element of life. God knows who we are and what we need, and is giving us the honor of being able to receive it and transform it into love for all of life.

Please join us in The Listening Room this Shabbat to discuss teachings from Rav Kook, Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, Rabbi Pinson, and others, on this understanding. Then we’ll follow with a short, silent meditation on the Shema.

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