What’s missing in the political discourse?

When we hear various people discussing how they would solve the problems of the world during this political time, it’s interesting to notice that not one of them speaks of love. No one mentions stopping their own judgment or hatred. Each person speaks about the problem with the other guy or gal.

However, if we have a problem with someone’s behavior, it’s often considered that there could be a little of their behavior in us too. This is not said to give us a feeling of guilt — it’s meant to wake us up to the fact that we need to first notice our own shortcomings before we can judge someone else. An interesting result of recognizing this same trait in our self can mean that we heal something that limits us. And when we do that, the other person’s problem usually won’t appear before us again, because we’ve learned the lesson we were being taught by the universe, and therefore we don’t need to see that problem any more!

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